Healthcare facilities are responsible for sharps container disposal. While there are many ways to dispose of these containers, the most important thing is to ensure that they are properly sanitized before being sent to a landfill or recycling center. The first step in disposing of a sharp container is to remove all of the contents from the container. This includes any needles, razors, or other sharp objects that may be ...
One of the most common types of fines that healthcare facilities face is violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. OSHA is a federal agency that sets and enforces workplace safety standards, and health care facilities are subject to the same rules as any other type of business. Some of the most common OSHA Certification violations that healthcare facilities face are improper handling ...
In 2020, there were approximately 8 billion people living around the world, and it’s been growing ever since so is prescribed medical drugs. Picture how many medications were prescribed before the pandemic, and how many are prescribed now. According to SingleCare, more than 4 billion medications are dispensed per year in the United States alone. In comparison, about $2.8 billion worth of medications are wasted each year, says ...
As a patient, it is normal to constantly be concerned about what happens to your health information and who has access to it. Did you know that Protected Health Information (PHI) under HIPAA Law is covered for 50 years after death? It’s important to know what the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) does, and how it protects your information. In this article, I’ll cover the rules of HIPAA, ...
In our ever-evolving world, there are various types of manufacturing, laboratories, and other industries that are advancing with modifications and testing every day. These contents are constantly being used in environmental settings and consequently accumulate into what is known as hazardous waste. What is considered hazardous waste? How do you dispose of hazardous waste? Today I’ll talk about how hazardous waste disposal ...
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to “ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance”. OSHA offers many different training options that allow people to learn about first aid training, fire watch requirements, OSHA hazard assessment, personal protective equipment (PPE), electrical safety, ...
Pharmacies, hospitals, health departments, doctor’s offices, and self-injectors are all home to sharps and sharps waste. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) reports that sharps injuries are primarily associated with occupational transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but they have been implicated in the transmission of more than 20 other ...
In 2022 as the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, the healthcare industry continues to experience many challenges related to their biohazardous and sharps waste (medical waste). Medical waste poses a serious health risk when left out, improperly contained, or incorrectly disposed of. It is important to be aware and informed about the health risks of medical waste and why proper disposal is essential. Health care waste is ...
Lisinopril - What is it Myocardial infarction (heart attacks), hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart failure are serious problems in the medical world, specifically involving individuals 45 and up. How do we prevent these medical emergencies from happening? Medications called ACE inhibitors such as Lisinopril are used to hinder the possibility of narrow blood vessels from causing high blood pressure, and therefore, ...
Sharps Disposal For Healthcare Facilities Sharps Disposal Sharps Disposal can be confusing and intimidating when safely disposing of sharps at home or a healthcare facility. There are many risks associated with handling used sharps and disposing of them properly. Regulations have been put in place to keep the management and care of sharps as unthreatening as possible; however, many sharps are still being thrown out improperly ...
- sharps disposal (29)
- Medical Waste (26)
- sharps container disposal (24)
- Compliance (19)
- sharps mail back (18)
- Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal (13)
- Dental Practice (12)
- Infection Control (12)
- Safety (11)
- biohazardous waste disposal (11)
- OSHA (9)
- Hazardous Waste (8)
- amalgam disposal (8)
- patient support programs (8)
- amalgam separators (6)
- vet sharps disposal (6)
- Universal Waste (5)
- amalgam recycling (5)
- dental clinical waste disposal (5)
- Amalgam (4)
- ECOII Amalgam Separator (4)
- OSHA Training (4)
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- quart containers (1)
- sharps disposal for veterinarians (1)