Safe sharps disposal for professional and personnel use.
The term Sharps is a medical term used to describe blunt objects with sharp points or edges that can penetrate or cut skin.
Small Quantity Generators of sharps should use a mail back system for safe sharps disposal. A mail back system for sharps disposal includes a sharps container, shipping box, prepaid return shipping label, and all materials needed to safely contain and ship sharps.
Sharps disposal options are simple. There are three types of mail-back systems available for the disposal of your used sharps or needles.
Electronic notifications and certificates are provided to keep you informed on where your waste is in the disposal process and the proper documentation needed to ensure your practice is compliant.
OSHA standards describe sharps as a contaminated object that can penetrate human or animal skin. Sharps are considered a form of regulated medical waste also known as biohazardous waste, generated during patient care. Most common forms of sharps waste found in healthcare practices are:
Sharps disposal systems are limited to disposing of only medical sharps and other items unrelated should not be placed inside of this system. Proper training of your staff will help avoid any confusion and annual training is recommended to ensure you or your facility is disposing of your waste properly.
Waste that should not be placed in a sharps containers:
There are numerous methods for treating medical waste, but the most used methods include autoclaving, incineration, chemical and microwave. These processes convert the once contaminated waste to decontaminated solid waste. Most medical waste companies will simply dispose of this decontaminated medical waste in a landfill, but PureWay offers a new method for disposal that gives true medical waste and sharps container recycling options.
Here is how the medical waste recycling process works
1. For approved facilities, waste is picked up using route truck service or mail back and delivered to a select facility that has a special equipment to manage medical waste.
2. The medical waste is processed through the decontamination machine and decontaminated.
3. This waste is run through a sorting process that separates materials that can be recycled vs. materials that cannot be recycled. The recyclable end product varies by cycle but averages 60-95% of total volume!
4. Remaining recyclable waste is transported to a plastics recycling facility where it will be broken down and reused as a resin or other biproduct.
It is our mission to provide the best in class service, products and solutions to help providers of healthcare safely and conveniently dispose of healthcare waste. In addition to simply providing service we understand many providers of care have also made it their mission to operate a sustainable practice and we help organizations achieve these sustability goals through our efforts of save and eco disposal.
16225 Park Ten Place, Suite 830, Houston, TX 77084. | 877 765-3030
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