Please read all instructions prior to packing your PureWay sharps Mail-back System!
Once the fill line or weight limit is reached for all containers, immediately close the containers with the lids provided and place them inside the plastic bag provided. Use the zip ties to close the bag and return the containers to the original box they came in.
IMPORTANT: You will notice a plastic pouch attached to the box labeled “Tracking Manifest”. Remove the Trackni g Manifest from the pouch, fill out as the Generator, sign, and date it, Remove the “Generator” (bottom) copy and keep it for your records. Return the remaining copies to the Tracking Manifest plastic pouch and seal the top.
With the containers and Tracking Manifest secured, close the box following the numbered flaps #1, #2, #3 & then #4. Flap #4 should be visible with the USPS return label. Use the tape provided to secure the top of the box by placing. one piece of tape vertically in the center of each side of the top flap #4.
Your system is now ready to ship! See below for pick-up options.
Located on Flap #4 on your outer white shipping box
Contact Support@pureway.com with your name, phone, email address for further assistance.
Option 1
Give your securely packaged system to USPS
Option 2
Take your system to the nearest shipping office
Option 3
Visit www.usps.com to schedule a pickup or
16225 Park Ten Place, Suite 830, Houston, TX 77084. | 877 765-3030
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